Insomnia is a world-wide problem affecting most people at some stage in their life. Research shows that people deprived of sleep become quick-tempered, lack concentration and find it harder to make decisions. Your body needs sleep.
Even if you believe that you can function on very little sleep, most adults need seven or eight hours sleep every night.One of the most important functions of deep sleep is to allow your nervous system to recuperate from the wear and tear of the day's activity.During deep sleep, your body's chemical balance and energy is restored.So, if you are amongst the one in three people who have problems sleeping, it just might be time to enlist some help.Hilde Hemmes' Sedative Wine is a natural alternative to sleeping tablets.
Sedative Wine contains the ingredient Valerian (Botanical name: Valeriana officinalis), which has traditionally been used in western herbal medicine:
to relieve sleeplessness, restlessness and excess nervous energy
as a calmative and nervous system relaxant
as a nervine to support the nervous system (has antispasmodic action)
to help reduce occurrence of irritability.
This product has been formulated using the non-active ingredient Sweet Apera wine.